
A group of friends get together to chat about everything and anything, with plenty of TV, movie chat, whilst knocking back a few beers. Spoilers and naughty words are highly likely...

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Everything sounds like Goldfinger (2020 Special)


Another special review episode as we cast our eyes over what 2020 has in store for us..

<p>Whilst we delay the 50th episode (consider this 49.5) we check out some of the highlights (& lowlights) of the 2020 movie calendar. We also managed to not only all go to the cinema together (1917) but we also all managed to watch an entire netflix series (The Witcher). As well as the usual beer chat, theres Evel Kneivel, Specsavers and falling into a Bond Theme rabbit hole. Strap in, kids. Its a long one.</p>

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 164.12 MB - Duration: 2:23:25m (160 kbps 44100 Hz)

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